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We does not collect any personal information from any of your use of our App. All photos and app data are stored securely in your private iCloud account and nowhere else.


Elevate your disc golf game with DiscScout, the ultimate iOS app for disc golf enthusiasts. Track throws, manage your disc collection, and plan your shots, all in one intuitive platform.

Here’s what DiscScout brings to your game: • Throw Tracker: Log and analyze every throw, including distance, type, and disc used. • Shot Planner: Visualize and plan your throws on interactive course maps. • Disc Management: Organize your disc collection with detailed specs and flight numbers. • Performance Analytics: Track your progress with detailed statistics and graphs for each disc and throw type. • Disc Recommendations: Get personalized disc suggestions based on your throwing style and distances. • Photo Integration: Capture and store images of your discs and memorable shots. • Bonus Features: iCloud syncing, custom unit preferences (meters/yards/feet), and a user-friendly interface.

Whether you’re a beginner or a pro, DiscScout is designed to enhance your disc golf experience. Simple to use yet packed with powerful features, DiscScout is your personal caddy in app form. Ready to take your disc golf game to the next level? Grab DiscScout from the App Store and start scouting your way to better throws today!

Track your first throw


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